Pastors Joe & Carmen Trevino, Founding Pastors, Victory Family Church. 1986 - Pastors Joe & Carmen Trevino started the Victory movement at a small church in South Houston. The Pastors started holding services with only one family. They started tent revivals and evangelizing in the South Houston and Pasadena area. 1989 - Growth in the church caused them to relocate to 712 Llano in Pasadena. Victory Family has made a great impact in the community for the past 23 years; both with the church and outside its walls reaching out to those in need of salvation. 1994 - Following their God given vision, Pastors Joe & Carmen opened the doors to , located in Houston, which is an Outreach Ministry of Victory Family Church, and began to disciple men, thereby making them victorious over drug and alcohol addictions. Because it's a heart change, meaning God changeds us from the inside, the Recovery Center is for anyone who wants a closer relationship with God. 1995 - Having the same vision for the women, the Pastors opened the doors of their personal home in Pasadena to women. Later because of growth, they opened a women's facility located near the men's recovery center. 2005 - In a leap of faith, Pastors Joe & Carmen traveled for 4 days over 1,600 miles by car to Merida, Mexico on the peninsula of Yucatan, to a mission field to frontier a much needed men's recovery center in that region. They rolled up their sleeves and with 2 of the graduates from Victory Family Recovery Center, began working for the next 2 years in establishing the Centro Familia Victoria, which is still going strong today reaching men in Merida. 2012 until Now - Victory Family continues to grow in its new location at 2101 Dismuke St. in Houston. The new church is centrally located just 5 minutes from Downtown at 45 South and Telephone Rd, bringing us closer to the heart of Houston. Due to the location, it is belief of the Pastors that this will allow them to reach more of the population of Houston and surrounding cities. The heartbeat of the Pastors at Victory Family is to continue to reach out to hungry souls. Our prayer is that He will reveal to YOU the part that YOU will play in this amazing Victory! |